What is Rock All Nations?
Rock All Nations (RAN) is a Christ-centered local church that makes disciples of Christ in the context of spiritual family, demonstrates and proclaims the gospel, and advances Christ’s kingdom through church planting and creative ministries in the market place and community. We are named the Rock because that is one of the names God gives Himself in the Old Testament, what Christ is called in the New Testament, and an acronym for the “Reclaiming Of Christ’s Kingdom”.
Rock All Nation’s Vision
The vision of RAN is to be a catalyst for personal and corporate spiritual revival, the restoration of the church, and the transformation of Northern Colorado and the surrounding region as a result of coming under Christ’s Lordship. We believe it is Father’s heart for our city and region to experience a significant outpouring of God’s presence and the reality of Christ’s kingdom to such a degree that a noticeable percentage of the population becomes radical followers of Christ, and the kingdom of God dramatically infiltrates every sphere of life (individuals, marriages/families, market place, churches, social and civil arenas).
Rock All Nation’s Mission
Rock All Nation’s mission is to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel and make disciples of Christ in the context of a vibrant church family. We are to be a catalyst and resource which helps revitalize and reform the church, start new Missional Kingdom Families and local churches, and reclaims Christ’s kingdom in Northern Colorado and the surrounding region. We will help to advance Christ’s kingdom and host God’s manifest presence and glory through five essential strategies: 1.) Father’s House Of Prayer – night and day worship and intercession, 2.) Multiplying interconnected Missional Kingdom Families that help each believer become like Christ and strategically reaches out to others, 3.) Training & Equipping Father’s sons and daughters to follow Christ and advance His kingdom in every area of life, 4.) Providing kingdom solutions to practical problems in the marketplace and community, 5.) Training and mobilizing the people of God to do cross-cultural and international missions.
We will achieve our mission and vision by: 1.) partnering with the Body of Christ to ignite corporate worship and prayer, 2.) starting and multiplying Missional Kingdom Families with DNA Groups 3.) creating discipleship and leadership training opportunities, 4.) initiating community development, compassion and marketplace ministries, 5.) equipping and sending church planters and missionaries to the nations.