Rock Tribe’s Mission:
Our mission is to magnify the glory of God, bringing all things under our God and King – Jesus Christ, advancing Christ’s kingdom in every area of life by helping to revitalize and reform the church, make disciples, train leaders, start churches, and transform cities and regions in all nations.
Rock Tribe’s Vision:
Our vision is to raise up an international spiritual family of churches that serves as a catalyst which: 1.) revitalizes and reforms existing local churches, 2.) starts new churches, compassion & justice ministries, and other kingdom enterprises which advance Christ’s kingdom, 3.) initiates strategies which bring cities, regions, and even nations under Christ’s Kingly rule. In short, we are called to the “Reclaiming Of Christ’s Kingdom”. We are built on the Rock – Jesus Christ, and our vision is Christ and His Kingdom.
Listen to Tim explain Our Kingdom Vision from May 3, 2008:
We will achieve our mission and vision by: 1.) partnering with the Body of Christ to ignite 24/7 worship and prayer, 2.) starting and multiplying Missional Kingdom Families with DNA Groups and new local churches, 3.) creating discipleship and leadership training opportunities, 4.) initiating community development, compassion and marketplace ministries, 5. equipping and sending church planters and missionaries to the nations.
Visit the Rock Tribe website.