Inner healing is the process in which Christ imparts His Grace and Truth to renew the mind and transform the heart into the whole and healthy condition God intended. With the mind and heart of Christ, we can have a lifestyle of covenant oneness (intimacy & love) with God and others. In the overflow of that love we will impact the world by helping to advance Christ’s kingdom on earth. John Sandford writes, “Inner healing is not merely a way to restore hurting people, though it does that. It is a ministry within the Body of Christ to enable believers to come to more effective and continual death on the cross, and resurrection into the fullness of life in Christ. Inner healing is a tool the Lord uses to mature His people.” The apostle Paul wrote: “Speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the Head, even Christ” (Eph. 4:15). Inner healing is actually the application of the crucified and resurrected life of Jesus Christ and His blood to those parts of my heart and yours that did not fully “get the message” when we first received Jesus as Savior. Paul wrote, “Take care, brethren, that there not be in any one of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12). Because some areas deep in our hearts have not believed and accepted the good news of our death and rebirth in Him, the fullness of His work has not yet happened for us. We are new creatures in Christ, but some of our old self-centered selfish character (false self) continues to act in its ugly old ways, as though we had not yet received the Lord. Inner healing, then, is evangelism to the unbelieving hearts of believers.” (Book Title: “Deliverance & Inner Healing”) Therefore, inner healing and deliverance is really applying the power of the gospel to areas of our mind, heart, and lifestyle that are yet to be “saved”. We are saved in that we are new creation “sons of God” with access to our Father through Christ, but we are also being saved because there are places in our minds and souls that are still being governed by our “false self” or our flesh. Ultimately, healing and deliverance come as we apply the blood of Jesus to every situation, receive and give forgiveness, believe the Truth, and appropriate the Grace of God by faith in every area of our lives. Because we have a covenant with God through Christ’s shed blood and sacrificial death on the cross, we can approach our loving Father, and ask for the mercy and grace we need to live in full obedience to Him. He will release the power of the Holy Spirit to give us the fruit, wisdom, revelation, and power we need to advance Christ’s kingdom on earth in the context of our church family. It is rebellion to Christ and the kingdom, and broken covenants that cause sin, sickness, inner wounding, and demonic bondage. Faith, obedience, and reestablished covenant is the means to healing and deliverance. See these Bible passages that describe the power of prayer: Luke 18; Matt. 6; Eph. 1:18; James 5:15; Phil 4:6-7; Acts 1:14, 2:42, 6:4, 10:31; Eph. 6:18; 1Thess. 5:17
Please see the following video’s for a thorough description and explanation of inner healing.
Inner Healing Boot Camp – Part 1 – Dr. Timothy Johns
Inner Healing Boot Camp – Part 2 – Dr. Timothy Johns
Contact us here to schedule an Inner Healing appointment.